If you fall sick, do you know how long it normally takes you to get well again? That all depends on your immune system. Having a healthy immune system doesn't always necessarily mean you will never get sick, but it does determine how long you may be down and out. Supplying your body with proper nutrients, vitamins, and supplements are only one aspect of keeping your immune system in tip top shape. Proper exercise, sleep, and reducing your stress all contribute to the over all.
I received this email the other day and I thought I would share it with you.
In August 13, 2005, the Shaklee Corporation launched an exclusive supplement that increases the production of your body's natural interferon, a key influencer in your immune system activity. NurtiFeron is a powerful, all-natural, breaththrough in immune system science. It is a patented and clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts.
Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the immunologist who discovered the presence of natural interferon in the human body, committed 40 years of his scientific life to developing this all-natural supplement which supports the body’s ability to produce interferon. The Shaklee Corporation subsequently acquired the exclusive, worldwide rights to Dr. Kojima's natural formula: "NutriFeron" (no other company can produce or sell this product). Clinical studies show that NurtriFeron has been proven to support and stimulate the natural immune response. NutriFeron is NOT a “drug”, instead it actually stimulates and optimizes your body’s natural immune response against environmental irritants and airborne pollutants.*
According to the Scientific Community, the greatest health concern of the 21st century is ‘Immune Health’. Global Travel now jets pathogens around the globe at record speed (like SARS for example) and modern diets and lifestyle (stress) challenge our immune systems everyday. NutriFeron provides us with a daily defense by rapidly activating your immune system and mobilizing your natural immunity “search-and-destroy” teams. To learn more about the role of interferon and your immune system please take a look at http://www.naturalinterferon.com
For over 25 years, synthetic interferon has been used to effectively combat the symptoms of cancer, AIDS and Hepatitis C. As NutriFeron was being released to the world last month, Dr. Kojima stated unequivocally, "everyone needs the protection of NutriFeron". We hope you agree!

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