I have just found the perfect dessert. I went over to my friend Joanna's house today for our usual coffee and yatzee session. (yes, I am a geek. I love the game of yatzee)She handed me this fine looking piece of banana bread and told me to taste it. I didn't see why she was so enthused about it. It looked just like any other normal banana bread I have tried. Well I took my first bite and realized that I had jumped to conclusions. This bread was delightful. It melted in your mouth on contact. No need for margarine or butter.Just the perfect amount of vanilla flavour blending in with the banana.
Then Joanna handed me the packaging. No trans fat, only 115 calories per mini loaf(so I had to ask for another one), and sugar was not in the top 5 listed ingredients!
Only one problem. It was a relatively new and small business so the owner only has one shop in Toronto and I no longer live there. I go there once a month to visit my parents though, so now I have somewhere to go to pick up a treat. I should advertise for her(the owner) and collect some orders in Belleville to bring back. When I could get enough people interested maybe she would open a small shop in Belleville. Just a thought.
It goes to show you that not all healthy food tastes like sawdust. We used to believe that if food tastes awful then it must be good for you. Not true.
So, don't give up on your journey for delicious tasting healthy foods. They are out there to be found.
8 Great Reasons to Stay Active
If you're like most people, you start exercising with one or two goals in mind: losing weight, or shaping up. But there are many more benefits:
People who exercise live longer, on average, than people who don't.
Active people have a lower risk of dying from heart disease and stroke, and they're less likely to get high blood pressure.
The more active you are, the lower your risk of colon cancer.
The less active you are, the higher your risk of getting type 2 diabetes. If you already have type 2 diabetes, exercise can lower your blood sugar levels.
In people with arthritis, moderate exercise helps reduce joint swelling and pain and improves mobility.
Strength-building exercise helps counter bone loss (osteoporosis).
Exercise makes you "functionally fit," meaning that it's easier for you to carry groceries, do chores, and independently perform many other activities of daily life.
Because of the calming effect of exercise, active people are less depressed, and depressed people often feel better after they start exercising.
For more ideas and advice about getting fit and losing weight for good, join The Biggest Loser Club today!

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