I have tried countless weight loss remedies on the market in the last 15 years. As each year passes new products come out on the market every day.
I was always upset when after the first ten pounds is shed, either the pounds come back on two fold or no more weight is lost. I was thinking of the loss of money and the feeling of being scammed yet once again.
It wasn't until I read the following article that I realized the health risk can be far greater than the loss of a few bucks.
It made me think about the commercials that are on t.v. once in awhile. Like the acid reflux commercial with the purple pill. It promises to ease your troubles, and then lists all the side effects that make your skin crawl just hearing them. Sure they have to list the side effects and I realize that they are stating that they could happen and not necessarily will happen to you, but how could any ailment be so bad that one would risk the chance of trying the medication to trade it for worse side effects?
I think the following article will shed some light on a few misconceptions we may have. I never realized that something such as an herbal remedy or a "natural" product could be hazardous to your health if you are currently ingesting other supplements or medications. Make sure you are informed before you decide to take your next option towards weight maintenance.
Dangerous Weight Loss Methods
Copyright 2005 Adam Waxler
We’re all looking for that magic pill. You know - the one
that we can take and lose weight without really trying!
What would you give up to be skinny? How about your health?
Well, some of the methods of weight loss may cost you
exactly that. Before you decide that the way to lose weight
is to follow one of the below regimens, take a second look.
Do your research and be sure that you understand the risks.
Are you considering one of these dangerous weight loss
*Prescription diet pills
Amphetamines are available only by prescription, and most
doctors are leery of handing them out these days. While
they do suppress appetite, you learn nothing about healthy
eating, you don’t change your eating habits, and you are
likely to gain the weight back the moment you stop taking
them. In addition, they can be habit forming. The side
effects include high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia,
sleeplessness, hallucinations and delusions.
This all natural Asian herb is found in many herbal
remedies and weight loss powders. It has a powerful
appetite suppressant effect, but has been implicated in
over 70 deaths.
*Phentermine Fenfluramine-phentermine (fen-phen)
Fen-phen was a popular weight loss supplement in the 90’s
until it was implicated in deaths due to heart-valve
damage. Phentermine alone is still sold in many weight loss
aids. The side effects include headaches, dizziness, heart
arrhythmia, high blood pressure and insomnia.
One of the popular home remedies, used for purging. Regular
use and abuse of laxatives can result in low potassium,
arrhythmia, and pancreatic damage.
*Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame, the most commonly used artificial sweetener, has
been implicated in multiple lawsuits alleging damages that
include blindness, seizures and brain damage.
Afraid you’ll gain weight if you quit smoking? The National
Institute of Diabetes says that you’d have to gain 100-150
pounds to match the health risks you invoke by smoking.
Instead, set up healthy strategies to help you deal with
food cravings and put down the cigarettes.
Like laxatives, purging by forcing oneself to vomit or
taking emetics can have very damaging effects on health.
Depletion of nutrients like potassium and vitamins, damage
to the esophagus from stomach acids, and esophageal rupture
are all possible side effects.
Taking diuretics encourages your body to rid itself of
fluids - including vital electrolytes. The depletion can
lead to dehydration, and cause your body to start retaining
water, starting a vicious cycle. Repeated or prolonged use
of diuretics can lead to kidney damage and serious
electrolyte imbalances, which may result in kidney or heart
*Herbal Remedies
We have a tendency to equate ‘herbal’ with ‘harmless’, but
say nutritionists, this isn’t always the case. Remember
that many medications are derived from herbs, and because
of the lack of regulation, dosages of active ingredients
can vary widely from one manufacturer to another. Below is
a list of some of the most common ingredients found in
herbal weight loss powders, along with cautions about their
effects in certain conditions.
Ephedra (ma huang, ephedrine, ephedra extract, epitonin,
ephdra sinica and sida cordifolia) should not be taken by
people with heart, thyroid or kidney disease, or with
Cascara and Senna should not be taken by people taking
diuretics (both are often found in herbal weight loss teas)
Selenium and Capsaicin should not be taken by people with
bowel or digestive disorders
Kava should be avoided by people with mood disorders who
are taking mood altering medication, and people with
Parkinson’s disease.
Gingko biloba, licorice root, and dong quay should not be
taken by people who are taking blood thinners or
While weight loss is a worthwhile goal, guarding your
health is an even more important one. Be sure that whatever
weight loss method you choose it won’t lead to other
serious medical conditions.
Adam Waxler publishes the Weight-Loss-Power-Package...a
collection of six weight loss ebooks guaranteed to help you
lose weight. Check out the complete package here:
http://www.weight-loss-power-package.com and check out his
blog for free weight loss tips here:

"Learn What "All Natural" Weight Loss Supplement World Medallist Swimmer, Paul Callis, Swears By - And Learn How You Too Can Experience Almost Immediate And Permanent Weight Loss Results!"

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