I have been on a different eating schedule since I started my new job a few weeks ago. One thing I have noticed is that the lack of eating after 8pm really does make a difference on how your body's metabolism can function. I am hungry in the morning, which is new for me,thus making me have breakfast on a daily basis. Due to eating in the morning I am not famished at lunch providing me the ability to just eat soup and a bun, with a piece of fruit. I am finished work early enough to get some exercise in which revs me up for preparing a fully balanced dinner at night. I have been taking the extra few minutes to make a salad or chop up a variety of veggies instead of just grabbing some prepackaged frozen ones. I have gone and chopped up vegetables like celery and carrots which I am not crazy about, and put them in some pickle juice to soak. It seems to be doing the trick in getting me to have healthy snacks that appeal to my taste buds and aren't bland.
The following article talks about investing in yourself and your health for the long haul to make sure you reap the best rewards with your greatest asset.
Your Biggest Investment - Exercise!
Copyright 2005 MHG Consulting
The old saying, if you don't do it now it will catch up
with you later". Okay, I just made that up :o) But truer
words were never uttered than about our lack of exercise
and a fitness program. It is really a life or death
situation. What if a trusted friend were to tell you about
an investment where you could not possibly go wrong...what
would be your reaction? And what if there was a virtual
mountain of credible information that supported the
investment claims...wouldn't you be inclined to take
advantage of the opportunity and not miss out on the
rewards? Although the answer to these questions seems
apparent, when it comes to investing in our health and
quality of life we often choose to ignore what obviously
works. Take for example, exercise...
Physical fitness may be the ultimate investment
opportunity. Think of it this way. If you are willing to
make the commitment (investment), you will feel and look
healthier, have an abundance of energy, be more
self-confident, more productive and discover a more joyous
and fulfilling life. These are rewards that money cannot
buy and the substance of high quality living. And, the
investment of exercise becomes even more attractive when
you consider that there is absolutely no down-side risk.
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. How much
better can it get? How many times can you remember ever
having a better offer? The honest answer is probably never,
and yet many of us fail to act on this extraordinary
opportunity. We simply choose to procrastinate or ignore
the proven benefits of exercise!
Here are a few reasons that sometimes inhibit our
willingness to "step out" and make a change or take a
- Sometimes our vision gets clouded. We lose tract of what
is really important. Forget about the less important
activities that tend to clutter our daily routine and focus
on exactly what needs to be accomplished to reach your goal.
- Looking at the "big" picture can seem overwhelming. And
the bigger the task, the more overwhelming it can seem.
Break the task apart into smaller pieces. If you want to
lose 50 pounds try losing 10 pounds and repeat the process
five times! Need to start an exercise program? Begin with
short, simple exercises and then slowly expand your
routine. Don't exercise too hard when first starting-out or
you will become stiff, tired, disillusioned and soon quit.
- Have you ever not wanted to start something for fear of
failure? Take the first step, acknowledge the fear and the
next step will come easier. Once fears are acknowledged,
they usually quiet down.
- Sometimes we start to think that a task is unpleasant or
boring. Just like any other activity, this can also be true
for exercise. There are days when we just plain lack the
enthusiasm and motivation to continue. It's part of human
nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are doing it.
Think about all the people you care about and who may need
and rely on you. What would happen if you became ill or
disabled and was unable to work for a period of time, or
worse, if you were out of the picture completely. How would
things change? If something happened tomorrow, how would
your family or business manage without you? What do you
want your life to be like in the future? There are many
tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are
necessary to live a happen and productive life. Focus on
the bigger picture.
- Indecision can be defeating, but doing "anything" is
better than doing nothing. There are no wrong choices and
very few choices that can't be undone or done again. Can't
decide on a particular exercise program or routine? Pick a
few exercises and start with something simple. If you don't
like it, go on to the next exercise.
- When you lack the confidence to start something new, take
a deep breath and try to figure out why. Are you hesitating
because you really lack the skill or is it just imagined?
If it's real, try to find out where to gain the skills you
need or find someone with the right skills who can help. In
the case of exercise, finding a qualified personal fitness
trainer can sometimes do the trick, but be wary...some
PFT's are overzealous and tend to start newcomers on
programs that are too strenuous.
- Life just seems too busy to find time for some
activities. Large, uninterrupted chunks of time are very
hard to come by. And if we're honest, when they do come,
we'd rather do something totally pleasurable! Exercise has
to become part of your routine. It can't be an option. Make
it a high priority just the same as your career, and other
areas of interest. You will be surprised at how easy
exercise becomes when approached this way!
- Have you ever subconsciously (or otherwise) invited
distractions so that you have a "good" reason not to get
something done? Sometimes it's the simple things like
answering the phone or sitting down to watch that "one" TV
program, that distract us. When you find yourself doing
this, take control of the situation and make a conscious
decision to do what you are avoiding.
To reap the benefits of exercise, or any other health
related endeavor, you must agree to become a willing
participant. This will require due diligence on your part.
And remember, as you embark on your mission you are
investing in something near and dear to your own
heart...your life and a future of healthy living.
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