Why is it that fad diets always seem to catch people's eye and sell regardless of the fact that so many people know that they are not real? It is human nature to want to have everything fast and easy. There is always that eternal hope that this next new fad may have the missing key ingredient the last one you tried didn't have, and then you would be set. Or like I have said, even if this helps me to take off the first 10 pounds, then I will be that one step closer and it will be easier for me to maintain my weight in the way I really know I should be doing(yeah, you know, proper diet and lots of exercise and sweat!)
It's funny too. In the summer I use the excuse I don't want to do any exercise except swimming because it is too hot, and I hate sweating almost more than anything on this planet. Then winter comes and it is the perfect time to exercise because you won't sweat profusely(you would agree if you ever saw me on a treadmill), and yet you still can't seem to drag your lazy butt off that couch. So what is the solution?
Motivation. What gets you motivated? I have found a buddy who won't let me be lazy. We have set up a schedule, and found the perfect place that offers all the work out equipment we like(a track to walk around indoors, a pool, and an exercise bike), for an affordable price. When our time comes. She is at my door and doesn't take any of my excuses.
Well the following is an article that talks about fad diets. I thought I would post it in here to remind us of our goals to keep to a life style change and not opt for the fast and easy track.
Why fad diets don’t work!
Copyright 2005 Adam Waxler
The answer is simple...fad diets are not natural.
Fad diet is the term that describes an array of diet
approaches used to temporarily lose weight through unsafe
and unrealistic methods. Quick fix programs do not
work...although millions of dollars are spent each year.
These programs offer a quick loss of weight but sadly the
weight is gained right back because people return to their
old eating habits and old life style.
There are many kinds of fad diets. Avoid those types of
diets that recommend a certain nutrient, or combination of
foods encouraging you to loss weight fast. Fad diets do
not teach lifestyle habits for long-term weight management,
they do not help people gain the will power to change a
lifestyle with another.
Diets promoting a very low calorie system, approximately
1,000 to 1,500 calories per day and with no exercise
program cause the body to become less efficient at burning
fat, making it easier to store fat and regained weight each
time a diet is stopped. In the long run this fad diets
makes a person fatter instead of leaner. Ultimately these
fad diets are not safe.
Only your weight and exercise level determines the number
of calories that is right for your diet program and only
healthy lifestyle habits will maintain long-term weight
control. Healthy lifestyle habits include regular exercise,
behavior modification, and a healthy, nutritious diet with
a wide variety of foods.
People should be aware of their health problems before
engaging in a diet program. All diets should include a
warning to check with a specialist before trying a diet.
Also most fad diets make no mention of physical activity,
which is essential in the process of weight loss and some
of these diets can actually harm one’s health.
The majority of fad diets involve a 10 day to 1 month
period in which your diet is restricted to a select
collection of bad-tasting, inconsistent health foods or
recipes. The fads diet is generally advising you to
completely avoided fats.
Due to water loss from this period, as a reaction to the
starvation process, you will quickly lose weight. And, as
you continue to starve, your body starts working in order
to keep up with the energy needs. But you are still not
burning fats and as you avoid fats in your diet, your body
will try to preserve the fat that it has in its store. And
if you continue your diet up to a month your body will burn
its stored fats having no other alternative to stay alive.
After this period the dieter starts getting weaker and he
is not able to feel well and perform its normal duties
because it requires a lot more effort and time for the body
to produce energy from fat rather than from muscle.
At a certain time the dieter is back to his normal eating
habit but it will take some time before the reconstruction
of your muscle occurs and during this time, the body
stores most of the food intake as excess fats. Therefore at
the end of the reconstruction process, the dieter is back
to his initial weight gaining back the weight he lost in
the starvation process and little bit more.
A diet regards the proper nutrition for a normally
developed human and it should contain vitamins, minerals,
proteins, carbohydrates AND fats. An imbalanced process may
cause starvation or excessive reserves of body fat.
By using fad diets in your weight loss process your body
will experience both starvation and weight gain in a short
amount of time.
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