I hope you have been maintaining a solid schedule by now and keeping your spirits up. I have read through alot of weight management articles and tips over the years. Although there may be new and improved weight loss diets and pills that promise great results over the years, the theme remains the same. To live a healthy fit life you need to work at it. Like all other things in life in takes time to get to where you want to be and more time to keep yourself there afterwards. It is a lifestyle.
Here is a simple article that breaks it down to an easier way to think things through and keep you on the right track.
Weight Loss Helped By Mind Over Body
Copyright 2005 Mary Desaulniers
To increase the success rate of any weight management
program, we have to shift our thinking of “weight loss” as
something that suggests deprivation, hunger or loss to
something that suggests growth, development, and gain.
Weight loss is not loss, but the building of a lean,
powerful body. Losing weight is not losing at all, but
gaining a newly reconfigured body. The best way to do this
is to enlist the power of your mind. Visualize yourself at
your ideal weight. Focus on your slim and slender body,
your well-shaped legs. Imagine yourself living a powerful,
dynamic life. Would you be bingeing yourself to death? Make
this positive visualization of your ideal self a daily
practice until you find it actually easy to see yourself as
lean, strong and beautiful. Next time you feel like wolfing
down a whole chocolate cake, shift your mind to that
slender body and well-shaped legs.
‘Hunger” is another word we need to reclaim. We think that
we have to be hungry to be slim. That is not so at all. We
just need to be able to differentiate between real hunger
and emotional hunger. Take time out and ask yourself, ”Am I
really hungry?” Think twice before putting anything in your
mouth. If you decide that you are indeed hungry, then eat,
but make sure that what you eat honors your body. Make sure
it is nutritious food and not empty calories. If you decide
the sense of deprivation you are feeling is emotional
hunger, then the searching has to go deeper. Are you
lonely? Angry? Stifled? Resentful? What is bothering you?
Decide if you will take this anger out on your body or take
the more courageous route: have it out and come to terms
with it. Speak out what it is that makes you mad, sad,
uneasy. Don’t be afraid to dig. The best things have come
from the darkest pits of the earth.
Know yourself! Know when your most vulnerable moments are.
Know when you are most susceptible to being sabotaged by
your partner’s sneer, your mother’s disbelief, your
sister’s insistence that you don’t have it in you.
(Families are so supportive, aren’t they?) Understand that
your decision to change challenges their status quo and
families are known to resist change (Don’t rock the boat!).
Once you understand where your Achilles’ heel is, develop a
list of strategies to deal with the issue when it rises.
Arm your mind: if you understand where they are coming
from, it is easier to be less defensive and submissive. Arm
your fridge: should you be swayed by these difficult
moments to binge, have a whole fridge of allowable snacks
so that even though you indulge in 2, 3 items, there is no
harm done.
Plan your day ahead. If you must have a snack before
bedtime, make sure that you have low-fat, high protein
snacks accessible in the fridge so that you do not opt for
what’s left over from dinner instead. There is less
likelihood that you will sabotage your weight loss program
if you have nutritious and allowable snacks available at
all times.
Eat 5-6 smaller meals a day (3 meals plus 2 snacks). Make
your body think "abundance", and it will expend more
calories. Do not skip meals as this makes you body go into
“starvation mode” and your body will respond to that by
shutting down your metabolism.
Measure yourself before you start your weight loss program
and once a week after that. Measure your upper arms, chest,
waist, hips, upper thighs, ankles, wrist. Record your
measurements faithfully. If you are following your weight
loss program carefully, you will notice a change in
measurements very quickly. You will lose in inches; your
clothes will feel looser. This will give your mind positive
re-inforcement. Do not weigh yourself everyday. Your weight
is not really an accurate measure of your progress because
weight is dependent on time of day and hormonal
Exercise 4-5 times a week. Work towards doing 30 minutes of
cardio (walking, running, cycling) and 15 minutes of weight
training. Use visualization to make exercise an active part
of the New Beanutiful You.
Reward yourself in ways other than food. Buy a new dress.
Go see a movie. Take a weekend trip. Go dancing. Enjoy the
new lifestyle you have created for yourself. See it not as
a short term goal; instead focus on making the changes
lifelong habits. You will forever be eating well,
exercising well, taking care of yourself so that you will
look great, feel great, be great!
Be proud of yourself: you have trained your Body to be an
extension of the Mind!
A runner for 27 years, retired schoolteacher and writer,
Mary is now doing what she has always done--being engaged
in what she loves--running, weight training,writing,helping
people reclaim their bodies by seeing that weight is just
matter that needs to be processed. Nutrition, exercise,
positive vision and purposeful engagement are the tools
used to turn this matter into creative selves.
a body well-nourished is a mind well-served~

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