This site is geared for health tips as well as losing weight support tips. I have been spending some time dealing with weight loss issues and thought it was time to throw in something about health related issues.
Four years ago I suffered from skin cancer and under went some surgery. Happily it has all been taken out but I am left with a nasty scar across my neck to remind me of how fragile life can be. Now adays cancer is creeping into too many of our lives without warning. Luckily we are in the day and age of modern medical technology which can give us all hope, but we still need to realize our own responsibilty in maintaining a healthy upkeeping.
I hopee the following information will help you to choose a healthy balanced diet so you can participate in a long and vibrant life.
Pass the Peas, Please
The teeny pea may pack a mighty anticancer punch.
Pack your pantry with bean, pea, and lentil soups to warm you up all season long. Peas, lentils, and beans contain a compound that a recent study revealed may help protect you against cancer. The compound, inositol pentakisphosphate, inhibits a key pathway in cancer cell growth. The discovery may one day lead to new cancer-fighting treatments.
RealAge Benefit: Eating a diverse diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can make your RealAge as much as 4 years younger.
If you are interested in finding out what age your body is stating you are on your health go to and do your real age test today. It has great tips and options for you to become healthier and add more years to your life.

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