I woke up today with the full intention of starting to change one more new thing in my diet. By my fourth coffee(triple,triple), I realized I had probably already consumed enough calories to negate any plan I had of diminishing my calorie intake for the day. So, keeping up with my promise to myself I decided that I would go for a walk. I went on to the prevention.com site and found a calorie counter for the exercise I allotted.
Here's how it works. You click on the activity you are going to participate in and log some info as to how long you will do it for, and your present weight. Then you click the button and it records the information for you.
I will give you my example. I chose: walk for pleasure(walking the dog).I chose 45 mins. which is my usual run up to my girlfriends house where I usually end up for a coffee. You see for me, I need to have a destination in mind to give me the momentum to get out and do it. And then I logged my weight of 195 pounds(normally I would hesitate to express just how much I weigh but since this is supposed to be our shared moral support site, I need to let you know). The end number claculated was 232.72 calories burned. Or as I like the way they put it:
1/2 cup - Haagen-Dazs ice cream
1 Bratwurst Sausage
2-oz. Croissant
1-Hot dog
16 fl. oz. Snapple Kiwi Strawberry
Make you feel better? Gives you an idea of just how many claories are in foods. It was kind of scary for me the first time I checked; finding out that something so simple as a piece of bread (plain) had 70 calories. Ouch. I was starting to see just how easy it was to gain weight without a concentrated effort to maintain. If I want to burn 310 calories I just need to walk another 15 mins.
So go ahead. Go to prevention.com and find your own activity to calculate.
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Hi there, I have a question since you seem to know a lot about food. I have been buying those International Delight flavoured creamers (the liquid ones) and using them in my coffee instead of sugar and cream (normally it would be double, double). I seem to only need a small amount - am I cutting calories by doing this or just fooling myself - although I like the taste of them?
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