Today we need to discuss attitude. That's right, attitude, the component that will make or break you. You can have all your goals lined out, the pros and cons, and all the inbetweens;but, if you have the wrong attitude all your efforts will be in vain. Now, I am not talking about saying you are going to reach this goal and that is it, that is just the first step. Attitude is what keeps you going, it is the commitment, the dedication, the consistent effort, the will power, the positive affirmations,and the pride in accomplishing a solid lifestyle that keeps you happy and healthy in spirit and in body. It is contagious once applied and and simply infectuos once practiced. You will notice it in the people around you in every walks of life. They will respond to you differently dependent on your general ambience and the confidence that will exude through your being.
Here is a good article to get you over the hump of facing your fears so you can change your attitude and move on to a better place in life. You may think I have gone off topic and changed the conversation but we are still on the same page. Fear? You ask, what does fear have to do with attitude? Consider this, alot of bad eating habits are based on matters of emotional and psychological aspects. You eat when you are bored, you eat when you are lonely, you eat when you are scared,upset, frustrated, or anxious. There are many reasons. And the base core of it all? Normally FEAR on one level or another. Fear keeps you uneasy and in a bad frame of mind. Therefore, a positive attitude is hard to establish. Conquer the fear and lose the negativity. Thus, enabling a positive energy to be reborn.
Here's to losing the negative and rebuilding the positive! Fear begone!
Face and Conquer Your Fears
Copyright 2005 David Ferruolo
What is fear anyway? In my humble opinion, all fears are
hypothetical trepidations of uncertain events or happenings
in the future. It’s simple as that. Think about it—we are
afraid of something that has not yet happened. We create a
situation of what we think my happen to us, and we become
fearful of the illusionary outcome. Is it logical to fear
what has not happened?
Fear is the psychological, emotional and physiological
response to our thoughts of a situation. Fear evokes our
most basic of all responses: fight or flight. Some fears,
of course, are very healthy. For example, when your safety
or well-being is at risk. But even safety related fears
could cause more problems than the problem itself! Fear
can lead to panic, and panic can cloud your mind and
paralyze you. This fear/panic reaction is the downfall of
most people in dangerous circumstances and not the result
of the situation itself. People who train themselves to
control these fear-based reactions in stressful and
dangerous situations are more able to deal with them
More commonly, it is the everyday fears of the future that
paralyze people into not taking action to move forward with
their lives or peruse their dreams. Some of the more
common future related fears are: fear of not being good
enough; fear of rejection; fear of failure; fear of being
embarrassed; feelings of guilt and fear of being isolated.
We must learn to welcome these fears and face them head on.
Become familiar with what keeps you back, and learn to
overcome fear-based reactions by changing your thought
processes. When you are able to do this, you can easily
move past fear-based thinking and embrace the future.
Redirecting fears to thoughts of empowerment.
Let’s try a very effective process that many others and
myself have used successfully to move past fears. Think of
these most common life fears:
Not being Good Enough: Not necessarily being a failure, but
being inadequate and not up to standard. Some people fear,
although accomplishing their tasks, they look bad while
doing it.
Not being Accepted (rejection): A lot of people are afraid
of being rejected. They fear that family, friends and
society will discard their ideas, dreams and aspiration as
silly or not worthwhile.
Not Succeeding (failure): Of course, the fear of failing
and not being able to do what you set out to accomplish.
Being Embarrassed: People are in fear of being humiliated.
Guilt: People feel guilty or are made to feel guilty by
those nay-Sayers and un-achievers they are leaving behind.
Being Isolated: The fear of being alone with no support as
you venture out of your comfort zone and circle of friends.
When we can place all our fears into several identifiable
categories, we can then begin to redirect our mid-set to
thoughts of encouragement, empowerment and support. Let’s
take the above six fears and change the way we think about
Try changing Not being Good Enough to At Least I’m Doing
Something: Change Not being Accepted to I am Unique and
Creative: Change Not Succeeding to I am Happy Doing My Best
and Trying: Instead of Being Embarrassed; Always Laugh at
Yourself First: Change Feeling Guilty to I’m Deserving of
all That Comes My Way: Transform Feeling Isolated to Being
in Transition to a Newer, Better Place:
This process will work for any and all fears you have
associated with future events, whether it is work, family
or personal related. Identify the fear, and simply look at
the positive side. The things you look at will seem
different if you change the way you perceive at them.
Change the thoughts of fear and negativity to ones of
optimism and success, and watch your life blossom.
Falling prey to self-generated fears will only keep you in
a place of frustration and mediocrity. Change fear-based
thinking to feelings of empowerment and self-confidence in
your ability to control and create your own destiny. Know
that fears are illusionary and created by thought. You
have the ability to direct you own thinking. Choosing to
face the uncertainty of the future head on with enthusiasm
and vigor will propel you past your fears and into a life
of happiness and success.
Dave Ferruolo is the Author of “Connecting with the Bliss
of Life,” and the forthcoming book “Achieving Life
Success.” He is an inspirational and motivational speaker,
success coach, consultant and spiritual counselor. Dave is
a former Navy SEAL, scuba diving instructor and an
adventure traveler. For more detailed information on Dave’s
books, lectures and other services, visit his website at

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