I woke up today a little depressed. It is thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and since I have a big family it means eating the whole weekend not just choosing a day to have a special meal. So, seeing as I am trying to lose weight, this holiday became an oppressor. But then I decided to check out some sites to see what I could eat without feeling guilty and having to exercise like a nut for the next week to burn off what I do indulge in. I was scanning through some sites and it occurred to me that the amount of "lose weight fast" scams out there were just as many as the "get rich quick" schemes I had come across. Why do we always have to have immediate gratification to feel like we are gaining anything? It is this type of thinking that has allowed up to be gullible to all the scams out there. I don't blame the scammers themselves. If we didn't want everything fast and easy they would have nothing to work with. I am sure everything is passed by the FDA. But the morality of it all is where it fails. I know myself because I was so desperate for quick results, I have bought into countless new weight loss gimics and been sorely disappointed not to mention hundreds of dollars poorer. Now, don't get me wrong there are products out there that truly work but only if used with a diligent effort on your own part to eat right and get fit.
Once again, all it takes to lose weight and get healthy is a conscious committed effort with a solid eating plan that incorporates all the four food groups. Common sense and a want to be the best that you can. How can you expect to buy that in a bottle? It is a process that takes time. You are essentially cheating yourself if you try to cut corners. The key is to finding something to appease the need to want that immediate gratification. Find another outlet for it that is just as satisfactory yet won't damage your goals and accomplishments thus far. Easier said than done, I know.
If you are interested in learning how to manage your weight and setup a complete diet profile and exercise regime for free than I recommend this site: http://www.healthtouch.com.
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