Friday, November 10, 2006

It is now November. I have been busy doing my business and have not found the time to blog as my readers may have well noticed.
I also need to change topics on losing weight as I am presently 4.5 months pregnant with my third child and am obviously no longer in the running for "The Biggest Loser" category.
Instead my focus has been on how to prepare for a healthy child. Things have so changed since I have had my last child. My baby is now 14 years old. I don't remember anything about being pregnant. Except for the morning sickness(ok, so all day sickness rather). I was only 18 and 21 when I had my 2 other children. I am now 35 and find myself worrying about things I never did before.
I am not as healthy as I used to be. I am overweight to start out with. My weight at the start of my first child was 127 and this start was 210. I have gestinal diabetes with this pregnancy wheras with my first child I lived off candy and never thought twice about it. My daughter and I were both fine(she was a little hyperactive but nothing serious).
I am anemic and the low iron is really taking a toll on me this time. I have arthritis in my right knee now which causes severe pain. I often wonder how I will walk as the months wear on. But since I have polycystic ovary syndrome(cystis on the ovaries)I am pretty sure I won't be moving much in the final months anyways. I cough, sneeze or get up too fast and I am bent over in pain now.
I know this sounds all a little depressing so I will end this on a good note.
Had my first ultrasound some weeks back and getting to see the baby and hear the heartbeat was worth every little bit.
I am going in two weeks to find out what the sex is although I am pretty sure it is a boy.
I am anxiously awaiting the first kick from the active little tyke. I had thought after 16 weeks you were able to feel kicks but I am 18 weeks and not feeling anything that feels like a kick yet so maybe I am mistaken.
So to all of you out there who were working on losing weight only to find yourself in my predictament there is hope. Don't get frustrated(yes, I am trying to practice what I preach with every gained pound!). Don't worry about the weight right now. We will conquer that together later.
For right now catch up on your sleep, eat properly, and make sure you get enough vitamins. Try to take at least a 10 minute walk a day, and venture up a flight of stairs alt least once a day for good measure. You should be ok.
Never forget I am here and you are not alone.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Time slips away from you when you have so much to do. It is starting to appear that I am only managing to blog on the site once a month or less these days. Not my intention really but with my business getting into the busier time of the year, my helping out a friend with her business, and planning my wedding I have been a little overwhelmed.
I stepped on the scale the other day to find out much to my dismay that I have gained 8 pounds since Christmas. Mind you upon closer inspection on my measurements I have realized that it appears to be muscle formation(that friend of mine has a child care centre and I have been carrying children).I have been hauling groceries around as well since I am now within a 15 minute walk to a store. So weight should not be the prime focus on ones mind for getting in shape. Muscle mass although may be scary on the scale account is a good measure of success in health terms.
Keeping to the theme of body building I thought the following article would be a good read.

The Perfect Body building Exercise
Copyright 2006 Ash Trivedi

So what is the perfect bodybuilding exercise or workout
routine? READ ON.

Most people, when they plan out a workout routine, don’t
take into consideration the implication of each exercise on
other areas of the body. Almost every individual exercise
performed effects more than one group of muscles and
therefore, is obviously more practical to design the
workout that compliments only those areas.

Bodybuilders group exercises by body part and train one
muscle group at a time. Working one muscle with 1-3
exercises ensures that you train it thoroughly. Experience
says that this type of training is the most efficient for

There are going to be times when it is unavoidable and you
may end up working the same muscle group over two workouts,
however as a rule it is better not to. It is also important
to consider what you are trying to achieve; building Mass,
definition, strength or all three. As a beginner it’s
important to emphasize on evaluating the best bodybuilding
exercise since the first thing everyone thrives for is
quick, visible a result.

The most prominent feature that lets everyone know you’re
working out is not below the waistline, though it’s worth
pointing out that that may actually be less prominent if
you decide to take the easy rout of by taking illegal body
enhancing substances. The most eye-catching is obviously
your muscle mass.

Design your bodybuilding exercise routine to firstly build
mass on the largest muscle groups. Every major muscle
group should be developed to prevent muscle imbalance and
the risk of injury and so you don't look like a freak. I
see some of the guys who have a huge chest, back, arms,
traps, but have the smallest legs. They might be able to
put up 375 lbs 5 times (not a joke), but when you look at
his legs, you notice he have never, ever even trained them.
His arms might be 16", or whatever, but his claves are no
bigger than 13".

To maintain symmetry and prevent muscle imbalance, choose
bodybuilding exercises that train both side of the body
simultaneously. The best way to start is to keep it simple,
split the body into two sections, upper body and lower
body. For the upper body; chest, shoulders and back is a
good start, for the lower body thighs and calves. Remember
1-3 excesses; shoulder press, medium grip bench press and
chin-ups are sufficient for upper body development as a
starter. Squats, leg-press and calve raises complete the
routine. All of these bodybuilding exercises work on both
sides simultaneously whilst maintaining symmetry and
muscular balance at the development stage.

Ash Trivedi is the webmaster of Your free resource
for body building exercise information.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Oh my. It has been so long since I have written and I am sorry. I have been so busy starting up a new business, trying to go to school, the holidays, moving back to my old city, and tending to my family. I am sure alot of you out there can relate.
How many of you out there gained weight over the holidays and are now struggling to take it off?
I gained 7 pounds. But I am recently engaged to a wonderful man who doesn't think I need to lose a pound. So I started to think about that. Do we really feel self conscious about our weight because of the media? Is there anything wrong with carrying around a few extra pounds?
I watched the show the half ton man on TLC a few weeks back and was real impressed with his attitude. He almost died from his obesity and then got help and surgery and is doing well now. He is half the size he used to be and working hard every day. He has a wife who has loved him through out all his hardships, and that has made such a difference.
I got to thinking that maybe in my case it is more my smoking that is a health issue rather than my weight. Since I still have a whole lot of muscle mass from my former athletic days I would be heavier than the average person my size even if I didn't have an ounce of fat on me.
So as a New Years resolution I decided to just work on getting healthy and forget my weight. It will take care of itself when I am a healthy specimen again. i am wanting to be a mother again so another reason to detox my body and regain my health.
If we resolve to just live life to the fullest and throw in some fun activities then we can become healthy and happy without the stress of worrying about our size. The more we obsess the more the weight stays on.
Don't forget though that you need to eat regulary and incorporate all the fruits and veggies possible.
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying don't worry about exercising, I am merely saying stop stressing about the NEED to get it done all the time for results.
The following is an article on a few little exercise tips/tricks you can do if you find you have no time in your busy life.

Exercise Tips for People With 'No Time'
Copyright 2006 Sheri Zampelli

As our lives become more complex, we need creative
time-management twists to juggle all the things we want to
do. This article will give you tips on how to fit exercise
into your busy schedule, even if you have a sedentary

The first step is to drop the all-or-nothing,
perfectionistic thinking that says "It has to be at a gym.
It doesn't count if you don't breathe hard. It doesn't
count if you don't do it for at least 30 minutes non-stop,"
etc. Any physical activity is more beneficial than NO
physical activity. So open your mind and let's create new

We all get stuck from time to time sitting at our
computers, waiting for one thing or another:

*Long print jobs

*Slow or large downloads

*Large files to open

*Inspiration on what to write or do next

*“Instant” messages

*iPod Updates

Here's how you can put that time to use:

1. Get a medicine ball and/or exercise band at your local
sporting goods store or on-line.

2. Put these items near your computer in an easy to reach

3. Begin compiling a stack of exercise ideas from
magazines or books which you will also keep near your
computer (consider starting a three-ring binder so you can
easily find the book and flip through it at will).

4. When you encounter a wait period (or just need a little
break), do a set of arm or leg exercises. Here’s a list of
ideas to get you started:

Chest Press: Strap an exercise tube around the back of your
office chair and do occasional chest presses. Hold one
handle in each hand and position your hands so they are at
chest level. Sit up straight. Push forward and extend
your arms straight in front of you or, for variation, cross
your hands in front of you. Repeat 10-15 times or until
you become fatigued.

Overhead Tricep Lifts: Hold a 3-5 pound medicine ball in
both hands. Lift it over your head with arms extended.
Bend at the elbows and slowly lower the ball so that it
ends up behind your neck. Continue lifting the ball from
behind your neck to over your head. Use slow, steady,
controlled movements. Repeat 8-10 times or until you
become fatigued.

Bicep Curls: Depending on your strength level, you can use
one or both arms for this exercise. Hold the medicine ball
in your hands in front of you as if you are offering a gift
to someone or holding a large cup or bowl in your hands.
Your arms should be in an “L” shaped position at your
sides. Bring the ball up to your chest slowly and then
back down slowly. If you are strong enough, you can also
do one arm at a time lifting the ball from the “L” shaped
position up to your shoulder and back down again. Repeat
12-15 times or until you become fatigued. Perform equal
amounts of repetitions for each arm.

Leg Lifts: Stretch your legs out in front of you and put
your ankles and feet together. Place the medicine ball in
the cradle created by your ankles so that the ball is
resting on the top of your foot and your lower leg at the
same time. Depending on your strength level, you can do
this exercise a variety of ways:

Lower Leg Lifts: Lift your legs from the floor until they
are almost completely extended. Maintain a small bend in
the knees, do not lock your knees. For more of a
challenge, hold your legs in the lifted position until you
begin to feel your muscles shake or burn, then lower.
Repeat 10-15 times.

Full Leg Lifts: Scoot up in your chair so that your
buttocks are almost at the edge of your seat. Put your
hands on the armrest to support your body. Extend your
legs in front of you with your knees slightly bent. Lift
your legs as high as you can off the ground. For extra
challenge, hold your legs in place before lowering. Be
sure to continue sitting up straight as you do this
exercise and hold in your abdominal muscles for support.

Sheri O. Zampelli, M.S., CCH is a clinical hypnotherapist
in private practice. She is the author of From Sabotage to
Success – How to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior and Reach
Your True Potential. She helps people create liveable
solutions for their weight and eating challenges. For more
information, visit her website at

Learn how to lose those unwanted pounds and look and feel great

Come and visit my store for the best ebooks on business ideas, health, and one of a kind children's stories modelled after the great Dr. Suess format of rhyme and imagination. One click is all it takes! You won't regret it!


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ok I am pretty busy these days so I may only blog once a week now. I hope I can still provide you with enough useful and fun filled information so you will still visit me though.
It is so cold these days I was thinking of exercising just so i could work up a sweat and warm my hands and feet. I have bad circulation and always have cold hands and feet, so trying to maintain a steady flow of blood through my system often needs a little helping hand. I have been looking for information on how to increase circulation but haven't yet found any information I could pass along to you.
It is the holiday season upon us. The love of mankind is in the air. This is the time to start your new years resolutions and actually make the effort to live them. The following article will give you some tips onunlocking your health.

Ten Powerful Keys to Unlocking Health
Copyright 2005 Wayne McDonald

1. Be Present
Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back
and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was
yesterday. Live positively in the present moment, no
matter what is occurring. It is All right and perfect. Do
not look ahead and dread what may come. Our mind creates a
lot of chatter and makes us afraid in order to keep us
safe. Tell your mind "Thanks for sharing" and affirm "I am
here, I am present". You are always at choice and you know
how to make this day beautiful.

2. Nature
Sit on the lawn or next to a tree. Feel the pulse of the
earth, the grandeur of the sky, the coolness of the breeze
on your face, or the warmth of the sun on your face. Smile
at nature, say hello to the bugs and all the animals you
meet. Take a walk in a park or hike on a trail.

3. Exercise
Daily exercise gives you a break from your mind chatter,
helps pump your heart, circulates your blood, clears toxins
from your body, charges you with energy and has many other
benefits. Choose an activity that is fun and mix it up. Do
walking one day and yoga another day. Take a Tai Chi class
and meet new people. The list of possibilities is endless.

4. Spirituality
Recognize and know you are important and unique. Meditate,
or sit quietly, and be in the moment. Read books that are
uplifting and have positive messages. Give thanks for your
health, your home, your friends, all the joy and happiness
in your life and all the good that surrounds you.

5. Forgiveness
It is time to let it go. Forgive all parts of yourself to
be whole and perfect. Forgive yourself for any past
mistakes or shortcomings; forgive the child within for
being afraid; forgive the teenager that spoke words of
anger; forgive the young adult for not being a risk taker.
Forgive others in the past. Forgive your parents, your
siblings and relatives. Let go of all grudges. Forgiveness
is about coming to peace within yourself.

6. Bubble Bath
Give yourself permission to relax and savor quiet times.
Read a book for fun. Spend that extra money and get a
massage or a facial. Do something selfish for yourself.

7. Nutrition
Listen to your body. Feed it good nutritious food. Take a
high quality multi-vitamin or a liquid supplement. Most
health challenges can be reduced or eliminated with a
dietary supplement.

8. Let Go of Judgment
Give up judgement and give up blame. Never speak critically
of others or yourself. Speak words of encouragement to
yourself and everyone you meet. Accept everyone for who
they are and embrace their differences.

9. Service To Others
Reach out and lend a hand to a friend in need. Offer
unconditional service to others. Be a great listener and
really listen to people when they speak. Find ways to help
others to lift their spirits and help lessen their burdens.

10. Love
Love yourself and use positive words of encouragement.
Compliment strangers and make others smile. Speak from a
loving heart and shine with joy.

Wayne McDonald is the founder of – an on-line health
directory of complimentary health care professionals. For
more health articles, signup for our monthly Health Ezine

Learn how to lose those unwanted pounds and look and feel great
Find the Perfect Holiday Gift at Gift Central


Monday, November 28, 2005

Hey hey, only five days between posts this time. I'm hanging in there. I have been so swamped with getting my new site up to make some money that between that, my real day job(which is begging people for overtime since it is the season for sales), looking for a new place to live, another new job in that city, christmas shopping, and organizing and packing to move, I almost forget what my name is.
I have the flu to boot so am feeling a little run down. This season always gets me sick. At least I will get it over and done with before Christmas this way though.
I am selling various ebooks on my new site and would love for you to drop by. We have some health and wealth related books that are a good buy. please drop by and tell all your friends.kadebescatchofgoodies
The following article I thought was a great read and made me think of weight management with a new perspective. Acceptance truly is the key I think.

Intuitive Eating: An 'Anti-Diet' That Works
Copyright 2005 Daily News Central

Stop hating your body, stop counting calories and stop
using food for purposes other than to satisfy hunger, and
you'll be healthier and slimmer. That, in a nutshell, is
the argument in favor of "intuitive eating," or letting
your body tell you when, what and how much to eat.

"The basic premise of intuitive eating is, rather than
manipulate what we eat in terms of prescribed diets -- how
many calories a food has, how many grams of fat, specific
food combinations or anything like that -- we should take
internal cues, try to recognize what our body wants and
then regulate how much we eat based on hunger and satiety,"
says professor of health science Steven Hawks, lead
researcher of an intuitive-eating study at Brigham Young

The findings are reported in the American Journal of Health

Hawks, who adopted an intuitive-eating lifestyle himself
several years ago and lost 50 pounds as a result, says that
"normal" dieting in the United States doesn't result in
long-term weight loss and contributes to food anxiety and
unhealthy eating practices, and can even lead to eating

All Diets Work Against Human Biology

Hawks and colleagues Hala Madanat, Jaylyn Hawks and Ashley
Harris identified a handful of college students who were
naturally intuitive eaters and compared them with other
students who were not. Participants then were tested to
evaluate their health.

As measured by the Intuitive Eating Scale, developed by
Hawks and others to measure the degree to which a person is
an intuitive eater, the researchers found that intuitive
eating correlated significantly with lower body mass index
(BMI), lower triglyceride levels, higher levels of high
density lipoproteins and decreased risk of cardiovascular

Approximately one-third of the variance in body mass index
was accounted for by intuitive eating scores, while 17 to
19 percent of the variance in blood lipid profiles and
cardiovascular risk was accounted for by intuitive eating.

"The findings provide support for intuitive eating as a
positive approach to healthy weight management," says
Hawks, who plans to do a large-scale study of intuitive
eating across several cultures.

"In less developed countries in Asia, people are primarily
intuitive eaters," notes Hawks.

"They haven't been conditioned to artificially structure
their relationship with food like we have in the United
States. They’ve been conditioned to believe that the
purpose of food is to enjoy, to nurture. You eat when
you're hungry, you stop when you're not hungry any more.
They have a much healthier relationship with food, far
fewer eating disorders, and interestingly, far less
obesity," he points out.

"What makes intuitive eating different from a diet, is that
all diets work against human biology, whereas intuitive
eating teaches people to work with their own biology, to
work with their bodies, to understand their bodies," Hawks

"Rather than a prescriptive diet, it's really about
increasing awareness and understanding of your body. It's a
nurturing approach to nutrition, health and fitness as
opposed to a regulated, coercive, restrictive approach.
That's why diets fail, and that's why intuitive eating has
a better chance of being successful in the long term," he

Two Attitudes, Two Behaviors

To become an intuitive eater, a person has to adopt two
attitudes and two behaviors. The first attitude is body

"It’s an extremely difficult attitude adjustment for many
people to make, but they have to come to a conscious
decision that personal worth is not a function of body
size," says Hawks. "Rather than having an adversarial
relationship with my body, where I have to control it, and
force it to submit to my will so that I can make it thin,
I'm going to value my body because it allows me to
accomplish some higher good with my life."

The second attitude is that dieting is harmful.

"Dieting does not lead to the results that people think it
will lead to, and so I try to help people foster an
anti-dieting attitude," says Hawks. "You have to say to
yourself, 'I will not base my food intake on diet plans,
food-based rules, good and bad foods, all of that kind of
thing.' For people who are deep into dietary restraint and
dietary rules, again, that's a very difficult attitude
adjustment to make, to give up all those rules."

The first behavior is learning how to not eat for
emotional, environmental or social reasons.

"Socially we eat all the time in our culture. We go out to
eat ice cream if we break up with our boyfriend, we eat to
celebrate, we eat when we're lonely, we eat when we're sad,
we eat when we're stressed out," says Hawks. "Being able to
recognize all the emotional, environmental and cultural
relationships we have with food and finding better ways to
manage our emotions is part of the process."

The second behavior is learning how to interpret body
signals, cravings and hunger, and how to respond in a
healthy, positive, nurturing way.

Learning the body's signals can be difficult at first, but
Hawks suggests thinking about hunger and satiety on a
10-point scale, where "10" is eating until one is sick and
"1" is starving.

Intuitive eaters keep themselves at or around a "5." If
they feel they are getting hungry, they eat until they are
back at a "5" or "6." They stop eating when they're
satisfied, even if that means leaving food on the plate.

No Food Is Taboo

One part of intuitive eating that may be counterintuitive
to people conditioned to restrictive dieting is the concept
that with intuitive eating there is a place for every food.
In other words, there is no food that's ever taboo. There's
no food you can't ever have.

"Part of adopting an anti-dieting attitude is the
recognition that you have unconditional permission to eat
any kind of food that you want," says Hawks. "And that's
scary for people who say, 'If I abandon my diet rules, then
I'll fill a pillowcase full of M&M's, dive into it and
never come up again. That's what I crave, I know that's
what I crave, that's all I will always crave.' But that’s
not the reality. The reality is that our bodies crave good

It is dieting that creates psychological and physiological
urges to binge on taboo foods. While people may experience
some binges when they first start eating intuitively, they
eventually will learn to trust themselves and that behavior
will disappear, Hawks maintains.

One technique he suggests is having an abundance of
previously taboo foods on hand. Once the foods are no
longer forbidden, a person quickly loses interest in them.

"If people are committed to recognizing what their bodies
really want, the vast majority of people will say that they
very quickly overcame cravings," Hawks says, opening an
office desk drawer filled with untouched junk food. "It
certainly has worked for me."

Rita Jenkins is a health journalist for Daily News Central,
an online publication that delivers breaking news and
reliable health information to consumers, healthcare
providers and industry professionals:

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oh my Goodness! It has been 8 days since I posted a blog! I have been a little busy. My priorities have changed with the season so it seems. I hope you have all been doing well since I last was here. I may only be able to do my posts twice a week now so I will try to make it worth the wait.
I had the day off today so I went for a nice long walk to see how long it would take me to freeze my feet off. I recently got boots but I am of the mind that as long as there is no snow, the running shoes can be worn. Today I realized the other benefit of boots in the winter. It's called extra insulation for the toes!!!!
My runners were frozen solid at the end of my hour hike and I could barely bend them. Those dollar mitties they sell are only good for inside other mitts I found out as well. But I hate to complain since it is only the end of Nov. and winter really hasn't even started. But I am definitely getting a scarf this winter too. I think back to when I was a teenager and dressed for style. Explains the severe frost bite on my thighs one winter. Never again. Even if I look like a dork.
Now, what tid bit of info should I leave you with today? Well since it is Thanksgiving I think for all you American readers tomorrow, how about I leave you with this pleasant article.

Holiday Diet Challenges - 9 Tips To Survive This Season
Copyright 2005 Cindy Lewis

The holidays are the most festive time of the year but they
can also be highly stressful if you are watching your diet
or trying to lose weight. How can we avoid gaining extra
fat while still experiencing a great time this season? You
can enjoy the celebration to its fullest and not worry
about guilt on Monday if you follow just a few simple ideas.

Don't wait until the big meal to eat. It's understandable
to save room for your favorite holiday dishes but starving
yourself until the big feast is the last thing that you
want to do.

You should enjoy eating sensible snacks to maintain your
metabolism. Also, not being famished lowers the chances of
your going overboard. It is best to avoid eating too much
when dinner is finally served.

Try leaning toward grains and high fiber carbohydrates such
as brown rice, wheat breads and wheat flour pasta. Fiber
rich foods tend to give most people a full feeling earlier
than the same or larger quantity of white flour
alternatives. Consider higher protein cottage cheese over
sour cream for your potato. No, you don't have to live
without the butter but it may benefit your waste line if
you do.

Drink plenty of water. It is always important to stay well
hydrated. But, when celebrating especially, water
replenishes and counters the dehydrating effects of the
caffeinated or adult beverages we may have enjoyed.
Drinking enough water also can help us to not stuff
ourselves with high calorie foods.

Casseroles are always welcomed in my home but steamed
vegetables are a nutritious alternative. Use herbs to
bring out the natural flavors. You may also consider nuts
like vitamin rich Pistachios or raw fruits and vegetables
with low fat dips as appetizers over the heavier or higher
calorie items better reserved for the main event.

Treat yourself to whatever your heart desires, even
desserts and chocolates if you wish. However, do it in
moderation. Try sampling in smaller portions so there
isn't anything you missed but be sensible on serving size.
When you pay attention to the quantity of what you are
eating, it increases the quality of these special times.

If the weather is appropriate, enjoy a walk outside with
your friends and family. Still truly important is that you
have enough physical activity but days like these were
meant for leisure. Take the opportunity to enjoy the fresh
air before dining or after your post feast nap. Doing so
will help you be certain to burn at least a few of those
extra calories.

Food doesn't need to be the only focus of your
celebration's fun time. Since the group is together, why
not exercise each other's mind with the board games hid
away in your closet? Children and kids at heart may
already be playing video games but when was the last time
you enjoyed a good trivia or word game? Some of the most
memorable family or friendship bonds can be made over a
triple letter score.

Speaking of kids, it's important for us adults to set a
good example. Food is crucial for us to live and should
never be something to feel guilty over. Encourage children
to enjoy the holiday with healthy treats, physical
activity, and good feelings about food. What we discover
and experience as children during these social occasions
can often last as wonderful memories throughout our entire

For more good sense diet tips and to discover Cindy Lewis'
easy weight loss secrets, visit her website at and register for her
free online diet class.

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"Learn What "All Natural" Weight Loss Supplement World Medallist Swimmer, Paul Callis, Swears By - And Learn How You Too Can Experience Almost Immediate And Permanent Weight Loss Results!"

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

How many times do you exercise a week? What kind of workout do you have? Are you consistent or do you find that you are easily distracted? I find it hard to stay motivated for activities that hurt my body and feel like work. Thus, my exercise routine gets limited to the bare necessities.
When I read the following article I realized it was true. Being a manic depressive as I am, I am continually fighting my moods to begin with, if I can not find something enjoyable, it won't be in my schedule long.
I thought back to the time when I was the healthiest weight. I was playing tennis against the wall across the street from my townhouse at the school. I enjoyed it thoroughly even though it was a vigorous activity. I felt good, and it kept me energized throughout my day. I was focused on the sport and had no time for mindless meander or negative thoughts. When I was playing baseball with my team a few years back I was in a better frame of mind on a steady basis. I had more patience, more enthusiasm for life and where I wanted to get to, and honestly felt like I could and would get there.
Then I stopped sports and became even more depressed. At the time I had no correlation to the idea that the lack of a physical activity I enjoyed and my outside circumstances were indeed intermingled.
I am on the hunt for an indoor tennis group this winter and come spring I will be on the roster for the coed baseball team in my neighbourhood. Time to find the harmony in my life again.

Are You Exercising Your Way To Stress?
Copyright 2005 Christopher Green

You’re right, the headline is a very strange one! Exercise
is vital to maintain good health and most of the time, the
benefits of exercise far out-weigh the drawbacks. But if
you suffer from a stressful or a depressive illness,
exercise can actually make you feel worse. But how can this

I’m sure you’ve heard the following statement over and over
again: exercise can help you to beat stress, or alleviate
anxiety or boost a depressed mind. This is only true in
part. Because many exercises can actually worsen these
illnesses. And even if you perform exercises that can help,
these exercises will only help temporarily.

The reason many people believe exercise to be helpful in
combating stressful and depressive illnesses is because
when you exercise vigorously for longer than 20 minutes,
your body floods with endorphins. These chemicals give us a
buzz, and this is why it is widely believed that exercise
can cure stress, depression or anxiety.

If you’re suffering a stressful or depressive episode,
you’ll know that no matter how regularly you exercise, the
bad feelings return. The only way to beat these illnesses
is to treat the root cause – flawed modes of thinking.
Exercise, though great for our bodies, simply doesn’t do
anything to address modes of thinking.

When my anxiety was at it’s worst back in 2000, I exercised
4 times a week. For 2 days, I’d perform weight-training
exercises. These exercises are the type of exercise that
can actually make you feel worse because you have time to
think about all of the issues and problems you have in your
life at the time. I’d also warm up and warm down on bike
machines or cross-trainers. Again, you can perform these
exercises easily so you can think about your problems.

For my other workouts, I’d perform instructor-led circuit
training sessions. As you’re listening out for instructions
and performing sequences of exercises at a high tempo, you
don’t have time to dwell on your troubles and worries. The
problem is that once you stop exercising, you return to the
modes of thinking which lead to stress, depression or

As soon as my workout had finished, I’d perform flawed
modes of thinking, that made me anxious and depressed.
Exercising did very little to stop me performing these
flawed thought processes.

Do be aware of what’s happening when you exercise.
Exercises that don’t require much concentration may have
you brooding over your troubles as you perform them.
Jogging, walking, exercise machines, weight-training are
all examples of such exercises. Instead, try ones that are
more intensive or competitive so your whole concentration
is required. Circuit-training worked for me, so did sports
like soccer and badminton.

The idea is to give yourself a period of time where you’re
not thinking about your problems and worries. And of
course, you’ll do your body a whole heap of good too!

The point here is to understand that exercise can only
provide temporary relief. The only way to find permanent
relief from your suffering is to understand and address
flawed modes of thinking. And, just as physical exercise
benefits our bodies, mental skills leading to better modes
of thinking will bring enormous benefits to our minds.

The following quote sums it up in a nutshell:

“Thought can make you, thought can break you.” - Swami

Until next time.

Chris Green is the author of “Conquering Stress”, a
special program which will show you how to conquer stress,
depression and anxiety without taking powerful drugs. For a
free e-course please click here =>

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