It is now November. I have been busy doing my business and have not found the time to blog as my readers may have well noticed.
I also need to change topics on losing weight as I am presently 4.5 months pregnant with my third child and am obviously no longer in the running for "The Biggest Loser" category.
Instead my focus has been on how to prepare for a healthy child. Things have so changed since I have had my last child. My baby is now 14 years old. I don't remember anything about being pregnant. Except for the morning sickness(ok, so all day sickness rather). I was only 18 and 21 when I had my 2 other children. I am now 35 and find myself worrying about things I never did before.
I am not as healthy as I used to be. I am overweight to start out with. My weight at the start of my first child was 127 and this start was 210. I have gestinal diabetes with this pregnancy wheras with my first child I lived off candy and never thought twice about it. My daughter and I were both fine(she was a little hyperactive but nothing serious).
I am anemic and the low iron is really taking a toll on me this time. I have arthritis in my right knee now which causes severe pain. I often wonder how I will walk as the months wear on. But since I have polycystic ovary syndrome(cystis on the ovaries)I am pretty sure I won't be moving much in the final months anyways. I cough, sneeze or get up too fast and I am bent over in pain now.
I know this sounds all a little depressing so I will end this on a good note.
Had my first ultrasound some weeks back and getting to see the baby and hear the heartbeat was worth every little bit.
I am going in two weeks to find out what the sex is although I am pretty sure it is a boy.
I am anxiously awaiting the first kick from the active little tyke. I had thought after 16 weeks you were able to feel kicks but I am 18 weeks and not feeling anything that feels like a kick yet so maybe I am mistaken.
So to all of you out there who were working on losing weight only to find yourself in my predictament there is hope. Don't get frustrated(yes, I am trying to practice what I preach with every gained pound!). Don't worry about the weight right now. We will conquer that together later.
For right now catch up on your sleep, eat properly, and make sure you get enough vitamins. Try to take at least a 10 minute walk a day, and venture up a flight of stairs alt least once a day for good measure. You should be ok.
Never forget I am here and you are not alone.