Oh my. It has been so long since I have written and I am sorry. I have been so busy starting up a new business, trying to go to school, the holidays, moving back to my old city, and tending to my family. I am sure alot of you out there can relate.
How many of you out there gained weight over the holidays and are now struggling to take it off?
I gained 7 pounds. But I am recently engaged to a wonderful man who doesn't think I need to lose a pound. So I started to think about that. Do we really feel self conscious about our weight because of the media? Is there anything wrong with carrying around a few extra pounds?
I watched the show the half ton man on TLC a few weeks back and was real impressed with his attitude. He almost died from his obesity and then got help and surgery and is doing well now. He is half the size he used to be and working hard every day. He has a wife who has loved him through out all his hardships, and that has made such a difference.
I got to thinking that maybe in my case it is more my smoking that is a health issue rather than my weight. Since I still have a whole lot of muscle mass from my former athletic days I would be heavier than the average person my size even if I didn't have an ounce of fat on me.
So as a New Years resolution I decided to just work on getting healthy and forget my weight. It will take care of itself when I am a healthy specimen again. i am wanting to be a mother again so another reason to detox my body and regain my health.
If we resolve to just live life to the fullest and throw in some fun activities then we can become healthy and happy without the stress of worrying about our size. The more we obsess the more the weight stays on.
Don't forget though that you need to eat regulary and incorporate all the fruits and veggies possible.
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying don't worry about exercising, I am merely saying stop stressing about the NEED to get it done all the time for results.
The following is an article on a few little exercise tips/tricks you can do if you find you have no time in your busy life.
Exercise Tips for People With 'No Time'
Copyright 2006 Sheri Zampelli
As our lives become more complex, we need creative
time-management twists to juggle all the things we want to
do. This article will give you tips on how to fit exercise
into your busy schedule, even if you have a sedentary
The first step is to drop the all-or-nothing,
perfectionistic thinking that says "It has to be at a gym.
It doesn't count if you don't breathe hard. It doesn't
count if you don't do it for at least 30 minutes non-stop,"
etc. Any physical activity is more beneficial than NO
physical activity. So open your mind and let's create new
We all get stuck from time to time sitting at our
computers, waiting for one thing or another:
*Long print jobs
*Slow or large downloads
*Large files to open
*Inspiration on what to write or do next
*“Instant” messages
*iPod Updates
Here's how you can put that time to use:
1. Get a medicine ball and/or exercise band at your local
sporting goods store or on-line.
2. Put these items near your computer in an easy to reach
3. Begin compiling a stack of exercise ideas from
magazines or books which you will also keep near your
computer (consider starting a three-ring binder so you can
easily find the book and flip through it at will).
4. When you encounter a wait period (or just need a little
break), do a set of arm or leg exercises. Here’s a list of
ideas to get you started:
Chest Press: Strap an exercise tube around the back of your
office chair and do occasional chest presses. Hold one
handle in each hand and position your hands so they are at
chest level. Sit up straight. Push forward and extend
your arms straight in front of you or, for variation, cross
your hands in front of you. Repeat 10-15 times or until
you become fatigued.
Overhead Tricep Lifts: Hold a 3-5 pound medicine ball in
both hands. Lift it over your head with arms extended.
Bend at the elbows and slowly lower the ball so that it
ends up behind your neck. Continue lifting the ball from
behind your neck to over your head. Use slow, steady,
controlled movements. Repeat 8-10 times or until you
become fatigued.
Bicep Curls: Depending on your strength level, you can use
one or both arms for this exercise. Hold the medicine ball
in your hands in front of you as if you are offering a gift
to someone or holding a large cup or bowl in your hands.
Your arms should be in an “L” shaped position at your
sides. Bring the ball up to your chest slowly and then
back down slowly. If you are strong enough, you can also
do one arm at a time lifting the ball from the “L” shaped
position up to your shoulder and back down again. Repeat
12-15 times or until you become fatigued. Perform equal
amounts of repetitions for each arm.
Leg Lifts: Stretch your legs out in front of you and put
your ankles and feet together. Place the medicine ball in
the cradle created by your ankles so that the ball is
resting on the top of your foot and your lower leg at the
same time. Depending on your strength level, you can do
this exercise a variety of ways:
Lower Leg Lifts: Lift your legs from the floor until they
are almost completely extended. Maintain a small bend in
the knees, do not lock your knees. For more of a
challenge, hold your legs in the lifted position until you
begin to feel your muscles shake or burn, then lower.
Repeat 10-15 times.
Full Leg Lifts: Scoot up in your chair so that your
buttocks are almost at the edge of your seat. Put your
hands on the armrest to support your body. Extend your
legs in front of you with your knees slightly bent. Lift
your legs as high as you can off the ground. For extra
challenge, hold your legs in place before lowering. Be
sure to continue sitting up straight as you do this
exercise and hold in your abdominal muscles for support.
Sheri O. Zampelli, M.S., CCH is a clinical hypnotherapist
in private practice. She is the author of From Sabotage to
Success – How to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior and Reach
Your True Potential. She helps people create liveable
solutions for their weight and eating challenges. For more
information, visit her website at
Learn how to lose those unwanted pounds and look and feel great

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